Youth 2023 is the National quadrennial youth event for United Methodist Youth from across the US. SCMYP is hoping to have a significant presence of youth at Youth 2023 on July 25-28 in Daytona Beach, FL this summer. To that end, we have reserved two charter buses to transport youth and leaders to and from the event this summer and are subsidizing the cost of transportation for groups to take advantage of. The per person cost for round trip tranportaion is ONLY $60 per person. To reserve
your seat on the buses, complete the online registration form and submit payment NO LATER THAN JUNE 21, 2023. We will have further details as they become available, but we plan to leaver early on the morning of July 25 and return late on July 28. We hope to have pickups in the midlands and a second one in the lower part of the state. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at