Do you know youth who…

Have an interest in leadership opportunities in the church?
Are passionate about the future of the UMC or their local church?
Are called to ministry?

Encourage them to apply to be an Annual Conference Youth Delegate!

What to expect: 
Led by youth leaders, the youth delegates will stay in a hotel with other youth delegates and attend Annual Conference, where they will have the opportunity to share their voice and to vote! 
Prior to Annual Conference, there will be training days where they will learn what to expect, learn how to share their voice and vote, and meet some of the people they will see on stage at Annual Conference. The goal of these trainings is to help the youth feel comfortable and confident at Annual Conference. 

1. Must be a rising junior, rising senior, or graduated senior. 
2. Must be an active member in a United Methodist Church. 
3. Must be able to attend two training days in Columbia on March 8 and April 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
4. Must be able to attend Annual Conference in Greenville June 8-11, 2025.


 Youth Delegate Application

Application Deadline – February 15, 2025