Let’s face it, youth ministry can be the best of both worlds. At times there is no better way to fulfill your calling as a ministry leader than serving in youth ministry. On the flipside there are times when you feel like you are running on fumes. If we are honest, it seems in today’s church world, the latter occurs more often than the former. That’s why we at SCMYP are launching REFUEL – a monthly zoom gathering for youth workers. Each month we will host a zoom conversation for youth leaders in SC to connect, share, and inspire one another. Whether you find yourself on a mountaintop or in the valley of youth ministry, we would love to have you join us and fellow youth workers from across the SC Annual Conference this month on Zoom to REFUEL. The monthly link for the zoom meeting will be shared on our SCMYP Leaders Facebook page (which is another great way to connect with youth workers in SC). If you are not already connected there you can join that page now and find the date and link for the next REFUEL gathering.