Breakouts at Immerse are topical workshops that offer youth a chance to dive deeper into a specific means to UNLEASH their faith.  Each of the four workshops below will be offered on Thursday and Friday mornings which will give you a chance to attend two of the four during Immerse.

UNLEASH Your Creativity (led by Skipper Brock): This breakout will explore methods in which you can connect with your creative self to UNLEASH youth faith.  It is for all who draw, write stories, write poems, play or write music or anything else that requires you to loo inward.  

UNLEASH Your Inner Strength (led by Ashlee Landreth):  Do you find prayer boring? Ever start praying and then find yourself a minute later totally distracted and daydreaming? Do you long to pray but have no idea where to start or what to say? We have all had moments like this! This workshop will teach you to pair physical exercise and activity with scripture and prayer to help you grow strong and confident physically and spiritually! Prayer is a powerful and essential part of Christian life, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or monotonous. Unleash your inner strength through fun exercise and powerful prayer so that you are able to take on the plans God has for you each day!

UNLEASH Your Spirituality (led by Katie Brock):  Does your faith feel stagnant? You want to feel that mountain top experience with God all the time, but you’re not sure how? We will discuss ways we can reconnect to God through our prayer, worship, and service. Join us as we unleash our spirituality.
UNLEASH Your Leadership (led by Chris Lynch):  We often hear that youth are the “church of tomorrow”. That statement is inaccurate as youth are also the church of today. Young people today have a voice that is valuable to the church today, but often that voice goes unheard as young people are not given the opportunity to serve in leadership in the local church and beyond. This workshop is designed to help youth understand their role in leadership in the church and how to effectively have their voice heard.